Monday, October 17, 2016

Chapter 4: Vocabulary & Fleuncy

“An individual’s knowledge of words is made up of both general terms used in everyday language and academic terms used in specialized subjects such as math and science.” (Pg45)

·       I chose to include this quote in my blog this week because I feel as if it exemplifies an important part of fluency and vocabulary learning. I think in terms when people think of one’s vocabulary they assume it’s the word knowledge they learn in school is the most important/common. I think it is important to keep in mind children gain a sense of word knowledge through their experiences and interactions with people.

This chapter’s focus is on how to teach vocabulary to improve one’s comprehension skills using technology and technology based lessons and activities.

Two uses of technology to teach vocabulary knowledge and improve comprehension skills that I really enjoyed looking into for this module are; Wonderopolis and Virtual Fieldtrips.

v Wonderopolis is a website in which focuses or highlights multiple fun facts each day. When you click on each fun fact it divulges into facts about that specific fact. Vocabulary words that tie into the theme of the fact.

v For example the fun fact I researched this week was fact # 672 “Are elephants afraid of mice?”

v When I clicked on that fun fact it then explained the concept of what an Urban Legend is, and how this fun fact is considered to be one. It also expresses the concept of a phobia and then explains and defines the terms that relate to Mice related phobias.

v This website also includes links to informational video clips. To then extend on the learning of this theme/fun fact.

v I found myself really enjoying this site, it involves the children being active learners, and pulls them in leaving them to want to know more.

The other form of technology I really enjoyed using to improve vocabulary and comprehension was the use of virtual field trips.

v I looked into both a history lesson and a science(lab) lesson.

v History Lesson: Pilgrims: the focus was on their life, where they lived, how they lived(lifestyle) the Mayflower and Plymouth Plantation.

v Included: pitures, videos, sound effects, which enticed the reader/student leaving them wanting to know/learn more.

v Science Lesson: Discussed Electricity and Magnesium.

v Included: articles, games, activities to be taught and experiments to perform in a classroom setting.

Virtual fieldtrips model things or knowledge you would learn outside of a classroom setting, but then exemplify and express ways to bring these concepts into a classroom setting to improve fluency and comprehension.

Overall I find this to be an interesting concept in which you use technology to improve a child’s vocabulary knowledge that in return will improve his or her comprehension of a subject/topic.I think using Wonderopolis and Virtual fieldtrips are two great uses of technology to do so. These are two useful activities/strategies I plan to use in a classroom setting one day.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you chose to add your first quote to your blog. I agree with you that most people just think that they are going to learn all of their vocabulary from school. It really does have to do with your experiences around you and what you chose to learn about and read about. The vocabulary of an engineer is totally different from a kindergarten teacher. I also really liked the Wonderpolis website. This website gives you a lot of random knowledge that you would not even think about on a daily basis. I enjoyed it because it made you think about the questions that they were asking and wanted to learn more about it which would help you access these vocabulary words and gain knowledge.
