Saturday, September 24, 2016

Chapter 2: Framework For Literacy Thinking 2.0

I really found this chapter as a whole overall very interesting. It expanded on this idea of how technology can be used as an instructional tool to improve Literacy skills. What makes this chapter different from the previous chapter we read is that it furthers our understanding of this idea. This chapter is broken down into two frameworks, in which, technology is used to improve/ teach Literacy and the skills that come with it.

In order to express what I found most interesting in this chapter, I am going to break down each point into its own section. I want to be able to express what I found interesting in a more detailed and clear way.

1.     The 2 Frameworks mentioned in this chapter: TPACK & IRT

·       TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) is broken down into 3 sections; Content, Pedagogy, and Technology. This framework allows the teacher to decide the outcome of his or her lesson, the purpose of the lesson, but then helps move to the step where they decide what strategies to use, the technology they will use, and how it will be used, and the assessments in return that will make his or her lesson most successful.

·       IRT (Internet Reciprocal Teaching) In order to understand this idea, one must understand the idea of “Reciprocal Teaching.” This idea is pretty straightforward. It is the idea that discussions will take place between teacher and student/students based on a text being read. This way of teaching has 4 strategies; summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting. When first using this strategy the teacher will be used as a model, what is expected from this teaching strategy, that way when the student/students show they are ready to take on this responsibility they then become the role of the teacher when discussing a text. It is important to not what a reciprocal teaching consists of;

1)     The students go over as a class the main idea from the reading

2)     All students independently read the first paragraph silently.

3)     Someone is then asked to take the role of the teacher in this discussion. Ask questions about what they all read, gives the main idea to his or her class about what the read, acknowledge if they didn’t quite understand something and ask for clarification, and then explain what they think will happen next when they continue reading.

·       IRT: Revolves around building the online reading comprehension strategies for questioning, locating, evaluating, synthesizing, and communicating.” (Pg 25)

·       Uses same contents/ requirements in what makes a reciprocal teaching. (The 3 main points that make up a reciprocal teaching.)

Overall, I think it is important to remember it is how the technology is used, that makes it most successful and it is how teachers use instructional strategies to teach a strategy.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

What is Literacy 2.0 and What happened to Literacy 1.0 ? (Chapter 1)

I just want to start this post with a little introduction about myself. My name is Meaghan Teehan and I am a junior at Bridgewater State this year and am pursuing a degree as an English Major with a Reading minor. I plan to pursue my Master's degree in Pre-K to Second grade with and without disabilities. I would love to even become a reading teacher specialist.

I really found this chapter interesting because it explains the idea of Literacy but also what is expected of a reading teacher; what qualifies them as a good reading teacher. It also is outlining that it is major to understand that student's learn in a variety of ways, and it crucial to understand that in order to help the student become a successful reader/writer. I think it is important to not that the International Reading Association stated in 2000 that excellent reading teachers:
  • Understand reading and writing development
  • know a variety of ways to teach reading
  • offer a variety of materials and texts for children to read
  • use flexible grouping strategies
  • are good reading "coaches"
Overall good reading teachers need to be able to motivate their students to want to learn and become better reads, encourage their students when it comes to independent learning, but also have the skills and strategies to help children that are struggling.

I think it is highly important to note that Literacy deals with reading, writing and communicating.

The RAND study group defines comprehension as the "process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written language." (p.12)
"Reading comprehension consists of three elements, the reader, the text, and the activity of the reading."(p.5)

How a reader understands what he or she is reading is dependent on how something is written. The vocabulary used in the text, what's being used in a text to represent meaning, and how information is being processed.

It is also key to understand that texts can be written texts like stories, textbooks, or could even be technology based like blogs, internet articles, etc.  

First Time using a Blog!

Just testing to see if my blog is working properly and if this will be shown on my blog page!